Highland Residence

This bungalow, built in 1920, had been converted into a hybrid residential-commercial structure complete with a large second story addition. Our charge was to turn the unusual spaces into the warm family home our clients wanted.

Walls were removed to create well connected intimate family spaces and amplify the reach of natural light into the home. Important moments, walking paths, and room transitions were re-organized around original features of the home such as the two bay windows on the first floor. This strengthened visual connections to the neighborhood and landscape, and reinstated formal axes within the home that had been removed or weakened by prior remodels. In some areas of the home, giant spaces were carved down into more intimately scaled rooms or defined with millwork and moulding details appropriate to the period of the house.

The rich palette of subtly textured natural materials and bright neutral colors used throughout the home keep the balance of contemporary and period details feeling fresh and vibrant.

Construction by Lucas Craftsmanship

Photography Credits: Reagen Taylor Photography